Tuesday, August 11, 2009

hahas; took this during dss revision:P
kinda boredd.. LOLs;
using ooVoo(:
eck &me were jus like beside each other..
&its literally beside each other.. hahas;
so kevin &me share one screen then mx &eck:D
today went back sch for PBA & DSS revision? O.o;
PBA was at 10am till 11?
then DSS was 1pm till 3?
kinds tried to listen to revision;
but i still failed at dss =.=
cox halfway thru, we were either on webcam..
im playing spot the difference on fb w kevin.. hahas`
went to library for "lunchh" :D
hahas; we bought those small small set of chicken &chips from atrium,
then smuggle it into library to eat.. hahas;
i kinda went in smoothly w kevin.. woohoo(:
then the rest kena stop by the librarian.. :P
so they kept it in their bag then sneak it in..
we were all like v cautious~
keep looking out for librarians.. =.=
but still we kena;
soooo glad tat kevin &mine are finished..
so left the rest,
they gotta keep ¬ to eat anymore,
cox its the 2nd warning liao.. Oops!
aft dss which ended at like 3.15pm?
we went blk72, lvl9;
to hand in the pba final proj..
my grp was like settled by zhi lin.. O.o:D
then aft tat rs, weixiong, zhi lin, eck, kevin &me were all like standing at blk73 ther..
duno to leave or to go yufeng hse..
LOLs; they say wann go yufeng's hse play mahjong.. =.=
but i managed to psycho weixiong &rs not to go;
so they peii me to the bus stop:P
then kevin went yufeng's hse.. LOLs;
slept on the bus=.=
so kinda overshot till ps ther =.=
gotta walk all the way back to ion.. LOLs;
halfway thru...
guess who i saw?
Donald!! (:
this is the 3rd time i saw him?
idk how many times talk to him le..
then 1st time face to face interact for soo long:D
kinda couldnt realli recognise him;
but he recognise me.. woooh`
i jus go pass him &he called me..
hahas; paiisehh sia=X
told him tat i was going to work;
jus random asking him along to eat at sho..
wahhh; he is damn steady mann!!!~
hahas.. he jus okkays; then walk w me all the way to ion..
waited for me to change into my work clothes,
then he went in to eat..
wann me to serve, which was ofcox(:
then i gave undercover free drinks to them..
he was w his another NS friend, 22yrs old.. O.o(:
so today work from 5-10pm?
perhaps today was a tuesday, the day aft 3public hols?
O.o; cox its like v slack today then no many ppl.. LOLs;
even the main chef wasnt here,
wilson wasnt here too.. LOLs;
aileen &Jan both went off early too.. =.^
we, these few part-timers were kinda the last few to go off..
cox i was at stationA;
then ther were 5customers who keep taking their own sweet time to eat,
then refused to leave thou it was like 10+pm liao?
damn inconsiderate =.=
so we jus packed up most of the things;
clean up,
then the rest of the utensils &cutlery let the dishwasher wash..
&&we went off:D
orhhhh yea:D
tmr nooooo sch(:
thurs also nooooo sch(:
but thurs is a damn cool day:D
Friday having DSS test at like 4.15pm-5.15pm?
but im starting work at like 5pm =.=
then next wk is the officially study wk;
aft which is our exams le.. sobx):
then 2months of hols(:
gona work to earn more $$$$ :D:D
seems to be $$$$$-faced hurr? =X
&we had our individual timetable le...
im far from kevin mann,
as in the seating arrangement =.=
sianx lo):
comfirm date of exams are:
21st - PBA
26th - BMGT
27th - MAEC
28th - POA
POA is the last pap.. hahas(:
hope i can pass my poa & achieve kinda beta in all my other modules?
pray hard:D
then im gona cont w my show:D
slping at like 5am in the morning?
it was long since i slept sooo "early" in the morning le.. LOLs;
@ 11:59 PM
Loves; Winnie(: